The C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL, in its relations with other States, Bodies and International Organizations, avails itself of its diplomatic representations, which are divided into Diplomatic Locations at States and Missions and Permanent Delegations to International Bodies or Organizations, which are called Diplomatic Missions. The C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL also employs "Diplomatic Referents Added", which are assigned specific tasks by the Governing Council of Government and the Secretary for the Offices Abroad. Diplomatic Centers and / or Missions are straight and operate on the basis of the provisions of the law, the Conventions, the Treaties and international customs. The C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL, through the Board of Directors ratifies agreements for the establishment of official relations with other bodies, acts of adhesion to Organizations, Conventions and International Agreements as well as acts of suppression or closure of Diplomatic Centers and / or Diplomatic Missions and Offices approved by the Board of Directors Government on the proposal of the Secretary for the Offices Abroad, after hearing the Permanent Commission. The C.A.D. SOCIALE INTERNATIONAL deals with:


1. Promotion of economic relations


Among the functions performed by the "Diplomatic Referent President" there is also the promotion of economic relations with the Accrediting Country. The proponent and the Diplomatic Staff deal in particular with promoting contacts between national and local economic operators, maintaining and promoting relations with the relevant national authorities and highlighting the main investment and business opportunities for companies. In addition, the activity of preventing and resolving disputes in commercial matters is carried out: economic operators can, in fact, rely on the technical-legal knowledge of the appropriate Departments of the C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL in relation to the legal-legal context of the Accreditation Country. The activities aimed at fostering economic relations are aimed at both large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


2. Development cooperation


In developing countries, the "Diplomatic Referent President" and the Diplomatic Staff may also include offices of a technical nature, specifically responsible for defining, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development cooperation activities and aid management in cases of humanitarian emergencies in the country of accreditation.


3. Cultural and scientific cooperation


The "Diplomatic Referent President" and the Diplomatic Staff, also promote cultural and scientific relations between the different countries. Cultural promotion, in particular, is based on the dissemination of the language and culture of the sending country in the host country. To this end, exhibitions, meetings and exhibitions can be organized to promote cultural relations between different countries. Appropriate international agreements can be concluded to facilitate bilateral cooperation in this area. The institutes of culture, where existing, assist the "Diplomatic Referent President" and the Diplomatic Staff, and in this function, promoting language courses and organizing cultural promotion events. Also within the framework of the offices indicated by the "Diplomatic Referent President" and the Diplomatic Staff, scientific employees are called to operate with the task of promoting and fostering international cooperation in the field of scientific and technological research. This activity is particularly aimed at fostering collaboration between universities, scientific bodies and between Italian and foreign companies operating in the advanced technology sectors.


The applicant's subject or committee is a body that is constituted by the so-called "promoters or founders" of the association structure, headed by a designated "Diplomatic Referent Chairman". He becomes the "proponete" of the request for the opening of a C.A.D. SOCIALE INTERNATIONAL (Center for Listening to Discomfort). He will be responsible for organizing the constitutive activities.
















No special formalities are required for its constitution and technically it is even possible to do without written documents, but we strongly recommend to stop the organizers' intentions on paper, to avoid possible misunderstandings.








The request to initiate a Diplomatic Delegation and relative structure of contact persons on the territory of the foreign State, must be signed by the proponent "Diplomatic Referent President", must be sent to the Single Office of the International Presidency (Organizational Secretariat) to the following email addresses e:








email: organizzazionecadsociale@hotmail.it presidente@cadsociale.com - (PEC) cadsociale@pec.it)








and to the International Territorial Reference Office (email: cadsocialeinternational@gmail.com).








This purposeful act or letter for the application for admission as a member and voluntary (below) must include the following documents for each individual founder:
















to. personal documents. (Identity card and / or other valid document),








b. fiscal Code;








c. curriculuum vitae;








d. photos in JPG format and paper support;








e. Membership and membership to the C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL. To register, it is necessary to connect to the site (https: www.cadsocialeitalia.it/tesseramento-on-line/). To confirm the Membership request, fill out the online form and press the SEND button, only then can you pay the annual non-transferable membership fee of one hundred euros (€ 100.00) in total for the entire Constitutional Governing Council and the Club twenty euros (€ 20) for each new member that the club will acquire.








f. Form in Excel format, must be filled with all the data of the founding members and ordinary members. For the ministerial certification of the club it is necessary to register a minimum of sixty (60) members.
















Subsequently, following the Deliberation of the Governing Council of Government, the decree of Encryption will be transmitted, issued by the Office of the Presidency of the C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNATIONAL, authorizing the constitution of the required Diplomatic Centers and / or Missions.








So, we need to put together a group of people (usually at least seven) and meet to draw two documents of fundamental importance:








1. the association's Statute of the club in compliance with the regulations in force in the country of incorporation, having in any case as reference the Statute of the SOC CAD (downloadable from the download area of the site www.cadsociale.com) or, if the current legislation of the country of incorporation is not contrast, simply adopt the Statute of the SOC CAD (downloadable from the download area of the site www.cadsociale.com).






2. the deed of incorporation and the registered office, is the document that explains for what purposes the association is founded, what are the requisites necessary to join as a member, what are the Bodies and what is their duration in time. In the statute and in the deed of incorporation must also be listed any assets or properties of the association, the headquarters and the rules that order the administration. The written form with the handwritten signature of the constituent members and any subsequent members is necessary. In drafting the Constitution, and any statute, we always recommend using the term "VOLUNTARY" (Voluntary Association) as this definition falls within the scope of Law 266/91 (Italy) that exempts from the payment of a series of taxes and fees. When we proceed with the establishment of a structure like this, for which today we do not know what developments could be, we suggest this formula that in any case will allow an economic saving if it will proceed in the future years to a filing of the documents, which could be in first joke to the Registry Office.








3. The registered office, at the discretion of the new constituent group, may be established in the municipality of opening of the C.A.D. SOCIAL INTERNAZIONAL (Center for Listening to Discomfort), in any room used for commercial and / or private use in their availability, of which, freely and spontaneously, with specific private writing of free loan, the use of real estate is granted their appurtenances, putting them at the disposal of the new Diplomatic Office and / or Missions, in the persons of the "Diplomatic Referent President". (Attachment 1 - Free act of free loan)
















The constituting "CADDIANA" Association, a new Registered Office and / or Diplomatic Missions, will not pursue profit-making activities and will prohibit the distribution, even indirectly, of profits or operating surpluses as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association itself. , unless the destination or distribution is imposed by law.








It is not necessary that the deed of incorporation be signed in the presence of a notary or a public official, nor is it necessary that it be deposited with the Registry Office. If you want to obtain the tax code, it is necessary that the Articles of Association be more complete and better articulated and not synthetic.








As anticipated above, for the establishment of a new Diplomatic Office and / or Missions it is not necessary the presence of many subjects, enough about the founding septum. In effect, these are the organizers (called promoting partners or founders), or those who give life to the committee by signing the deed of incorporation (and any statute, regulation, etc.).








The essential offices of each club are:
















1. Diplomatic Referent "President", who is entrusted with representation (or permanent mission) in order to maintain continuous and stable relations with it.








2. Diplomatic representative added "Vice President";








3. Diplomatic Counselor Administrative / Organizing Secretary;








4. Diplomatic Counselor Relations with the Technical and Thematic Departments and scientific committees with Italy;








5. Diplomatic Counselor Treasurer;








6. Diplomatic Counselor Communication (Press Office);








7. Diplomatic Counselor Internationalization of Enterprises.